HTML Tutorial - Chapter 6: Tables

» Why They're Useful

Tables are the most important tool you'll use to organize your website. They'll let you create navigation menus, divide sections off, and space things out. Almost every website uses tables to some degree, and many use them very prolifically.

Because this isn't a tutorial on design, we're going to focus more on the code of how to make tables rather than on why we make tables. You can figure out 'why' on your own through "messing around."

» Multiple Tags

So far, tables will be the first object we'll learn that require more than one tag to set up. And it makes sense, tables have rows and columns. It'd be insanely difficult to announce them all in one tag.

First, we have the <table> and </table> tags. This lets us begin and end our table in our code.

On their own though, these two tags aren't very useful. We need to tell our browser how many rows and columns our table will have before we can do anything with it. Here's some sample code that creates a table with two rows and three columns.

<tr><td>Cell #1</td><td>Cell #2</td><td>Cell #3</td></tr>
Cell #4</td><td>Cell #5</td><td>Cell #6</td></tr>


Yeah, as you can see above, coding tables by hand requires a lot of energy. Let me explain the code above step-by-step so you get through it.

First, immediately after we declare the <table> tag, we declare a tag named <tr>. This stands for "table row" we're telling the table to begin its first row. Everything between the first <tr> and </tr> will appear in the first table's row. Always declare rows before anything else in a table. In the chain of command, they're above anything else. (If you really think about it, it makes sense.)

So read the first line above, it begins and ends with the "table row" tag, meaning everything in between these two tags appears in the first row of our table. The second line has another set of <tr> tags, which means everything between will appear in the second row. Finally, our table is closed and that's that. We now know the code above creates a table with two rows.

Now, let's explore what's actually in our table's two rows...

To do this, we see another, mysterious tag called <td>. The <td> tag stands for "table data" - you can think of it as either a column in the row or a cell in the row. You must insert at least one cell in each row or your table won't make sense. Between each <td> and </td> you simply type what you want that cell to display in it. This can be text, an image, anything really.

As you can see, in the first and second rows of our table, we have three sets of "table data" tags. This means we have three cells per row, which makes our table, overall, has three columns and two rows. (As we stated earlier.) The code above will output the following...

Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #3
Cell #4 Cell #5 Cell #6

As you can see above, the spacing is quite crunched. This is because we didn't assign our table a width. Thus, the table will be created with only as much space necessary to output all the text within it. (Which is ugly!) In the next section you'll learn how to fix this. But first...

It's your turn. Create a few tables with varying numbers of rows and columns and values within them. Don't stop until you get it right!

» Changing Table Widths

Like practically every other tag, the <table> tag has no shortage of properties we can invoke to change spacing, shading, etc. Let's go through the important ones...

First, we have width, which lets us change how wide our table is. Now, we can specify width in two ways - as pixels or as percentages. If a width is specified as pixels, its size will be locked in stone, written in blood. However, if width is specified in percentage terms, its size will change as the browser is resized. Let's look at the difference...

Exhibit A: Defined in pixel terms -

<table width="350">

Exhibit B: Defined in percentage terms -

<table width="50%">

Understanding the width of a table in percentage terms is quite easy. For example, above we gave the table a width of 50%. To see how long this is, simply look at your screen and estimate 50% of it. Done.

Understanding the width of a table in pixel terms is also easy, but a bit more subtle. The size of each pixel is about the size of a period: "." To understand how many pixels across an object will be, first find out what your screen resolution is. Most screens are either 1024 by 768 pixels or 800 by 600 pixels. That is, 1024 or 800 pixels wide. It's important to design your site to look nice in different resolutions, so never define a table that will look too big in smaller browsers.

» Changing Table Borders

The next property we're going to take a look at is the border value. Tables, like images, can have borders set. By default, tables don't have any borders. Let's now create the same table we made earlier except making it a little wider and with a border.

<table width="350" border="2">
<tr><td>Cell #1</td><td>Cell #2</td><td>Cell #3</td></tr>
Cell #4</td><td>Cell #5</td><td>Cell #6</td></tr>

Let's look at our table now...

Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #3
Cell #4 Cell #5 Cell #6

Quite a difference, huh?

We can also change the table's border color with the simple bordercolor property. Just remember how colors are declared.

<table width="350" border="2" bordercolor="blue">
<tr><td>Cell #1</td><td>Cell #2</td><td>Cell #3</td></tr>
Cell #4</td><td>Cell #5</td><td>Cell #6</td></tr>


Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #3
Cell #4 Cell #5 Cell #6

Now, from a design standpoint, it might be a good idea to get rid of all the criss-crossing lines within our table. To do this, we first have to understand what's going on.

When we give our table a border, it automatically gives each cell its own mini-border as well (even if there's only one cell!). If you look above, you'll see that very clearly. First, our main table has a thin blue border around it. Second, each of our six cells has its own mini border around it. To get rid of these mini borders, we have two options...

We can either tell the table to give each row a bordercolor of white (the mini borders will still exist, they'll just be invisible to our users on a white background), or we can give each cell individually a bordercolor of white. Since typing bordercolor="white" six times is a pain, let's save us some time...

<table width="350" border="2" bordercolor="blue">
<tr bordercolor="white"><td>Cell #1</td><td>Cell #2</td><td>Cell #3</td></tr>
<tr bordercolor="white"><td>
Cell #4</td><td>Cell #5</td><td>Cell #6</td></tr>

The code above would output a table that we could definitely brag about to our best friends.

Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #3
Cell #4 Cell #5 Cell #6

Give it a try!

» Shading Tables

Remember the property we used to change the color of your site's canvas? How about the property to put a background image into your site's canvas? Well, we can use those same properties to give your table a little pizzazz!

Here's the code for a gray (my favorite shade of gray uses the hex #CCCCCC) table (building on the table we made in the last step of this chapter)...

<table width="350" border="2" bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr bordercolor="white"><td>Cell #1</td><td>Cell #2</td><td>Cell #3</td></tr>
<tr bordercolor="white"><td>
Cell #4</td><td>Cell #5</td><td>Cell #6</td></tr>

I put the new entry in bold for you, just so it stands out a little better. We could have also specified an image with the background property.

That table above look a little like this...

Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #3
Cell #4 Cell #5 Cell #6

Oops! Remember earlier, when we gave the mini-borders a value of "white"? Well, before, when we had a white background color (which is the default), this made the mini-borders invisible. Now, however, they really stand out. So, to fix this, all we have to do is set the bordercolor value for our two rows to gray...

<table width="350" border="2" bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr bordercolor="#CCCCCC"><td>Cell #1</td><td>Cell #2</td><td>Cell #3</td></tr>
<tr bordercolor="#CCCCCC"><td>
Cell #4</td><td>Cell #5</td><td>Cell #6</td></tr>

BAM! Everything looks nice now. We can also give each cell its own background color or image <td bgcolor="red"> or <td background="image.jpg">, as well as each row <tr bgcolor="green">. It's all very simple and there's no need to be redundant and go through all the possibilities here with that. Here's our new, shaded table:

Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #3
Cell #4 Cell #5 Cell #6

Lovely. Now it's your turn to make a lovely, shaded table.

» Aligning Tables

To center a table or align it to the left, we simply place the table in an aligned paragraph tag. For example, this code would align our table to the center...(I made the table empty just to emphasize the paragraph tags surrounding it.) It's really cake.

<p align="center">
<table width="350" border="1"><tr><td></td></tr></table>

Another note about alignment, by default, all the text you put in every cell is vertically aligned in the middle. Often, we don't want that. For example, if you have a very tall table, if the text is aligned to the middle, it would be a pain to scroll all the way down to see the text. The most common place we want to align our text vertically is at the top. Here's an example of a tall table with text aligned in the middle...

<table width="100" height="250" border="1"><tr><td>Tall Order!</td></tr></table>

You probably haven't seen the height property above before - that's because it's usually not very important. Here's what our tall table looks like by default.

Tall Order!

Do you see what I mean now? The text is vertically aligned in the center. This is a big no-no. Let's vertically align our text to the very top! (And also, while we're at it, let's center our text horizontally, it doesn't look right horizontall aligned to the very left!)

<table width="100" height="250" border="1">
<td valign="top"><p align="center">
Tall Order!</p></td>

I put the new entries in bold. First, you'll notice the valign property within our cell. This vertically aligns anything within that cell to either the top, bottom, or middle. (By default everything is vertically aligned to the center - as we saw above - so we specified "top" to push everything to the top.)

Next, you'll notice we inserted a paragraph tag that was aligned to the center. This moves our text to be horizontally aligned to the center. (Note, when you use a <p> tag to align text, it doesn't push that text down two spaces like an empty <p> tag would. That would make aligning very difficult!)

Here's our new, beautiful table.

Tall Order!

Now, try to recreate this table using your own HTML talents. Also, try to change the border color and shading too, while you're at it!

» Padding and Spacing

This is the very last thing of note for using tables, I promise. Get these two properties down and you're all set to go.

The first is the cellpadding property. This is extremely useful and should be used often. Before we get into why it's useful, let me first demonstrate a common problem when making a table.

Imagine you have a table that looked like this...

Hello! I am a problematic table for a number of reasons...

As you can see, with this table, the text is just a little to close to our borders for comfort. (Also of interest, note that even though this table has only one cell, it still has a mini-border! Ugh!) This table simply doesn't look professional. We can fix this with the cellpadding property. Like its name suggests, this property adds 'padding' to the inside of your cell, pushing the text away from the outsides. The greater the cellpadding value you specify, the farther away from the borders your text will appear. (Your table doesn't even need borders for this to work!)

So let's take the code from the table above and pad it! Let's also get rid of that annoying mini-border by making it white.

<table width="350" border="1" bordercolor="black" cellpadding="3">
<tr bordercolor="white"><td>

Hello! I was a problematic table for a number of reasons...


Now your table should look like this...

Hello! I was a problematic table for a number of reasons...

Much better! So what value of cellpadding should we use? Well, each number represents a pixel. You usually only need a couple pixels to make a big difference (in the example above we used only '3' pixels).

cellpadding isn't an only child. It has a sister named cellspacing. While cellpadding creates a buffer within a cell, cellspacing creates a buffer outside of a cell. Not as useful, in my opinion, but still very important.

You'd want to change the cellspacing value of a table when you have text right beside your table (so that the text outside doesn't come uncomfortably close to touching the table's borders. Here's a quick display of two tables. The first with no spacing specified and the second with cellspacing="3".

I want spacing for Christmas!

I already have spacing!

Usually you don't want to use borders with the cellspacing property. I used them above to show the difference. Notice how, in the second table, outside of the cell's mini-border, it created a buffer zone? If you don't use borders, you can use spacing subtly and effectively.

You try!

» Next Chapter

Remember to keep reviewing previous chapters. It's the only way to really remember all this stuff!

We're slowly approaching the end of this tutorial. We've covered a tremendous amount of ground. In the next chapter we'll fill in some holes that'll help you organize your website a little better.

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