HTML Tutorial - Chapter 4: Images

» Image Friendly

Inserting images into your website is a real breeze after you've successfully learned how to insert links. Consider the "Link" tag to be the "Image" tag's sister. Here's what you need...

First, the image tag looks like this: <img> and second, because images stand on their own and don't need to be applied to anything (like text), there's no closing tag. <img> tags, like <font> and <a> tags, don't do anything on their own. You need to tell the browser what image you're inserting.

Here's the code you'll need to insert our logo into a page:

<img src="">

And that's all, that piece of code would output our logo into the page you put it in. Give it a try with the form below.

As with all properties, src is followed by an equal sign and quotes. The image you're sourcing can either be of the relative or absolute variety. Just like hyperlinks! Review all the information about absolute and relative links from the previous chapter if you're confused about what I mean.

» Resizing Images

After src, there are a few other properties you can give your image. For example, you could specify the size of the image for faster loading. Our logo is 300 pixels wide and 72 pixels high. So we could declare this by using the two properties width and height. Look below...

<img width="300" height="72" src="">

Again, you can have as many properties within a tag as you'd like. Only remember to keep track of all of them! The output from the code above looks exactly like the output if we didn't specify anything. But, our browser, since it doesn't have to process the image's height and width, will process the image faster.

We can also resize images to weird and wacky proportions if we want. Like if we had typed the following:

<img width="300" height="72" src="">

The output would look like this...

When you resize images like this, the result is often very warped in appearance. That's why we don't really recommend doing it unless you keep the proportions the same. Also, resizing an image so it's smaller doesn't help with load times at all. The browser still loads the entire image and then resizes.

» Adding a Border

One useful image property is the ability to add a border to our images. This is quite easy to do using the border property.

<img width="300" height="72" border="1" src="">

A border with a value of one looks like the following...

It can really help in a lot of situations. Just don't go overboard with the size of the border. A thin border is all you'll really need most of the time.

» Linking an Image

If you want to link images to other pages (very handy if you have "Next Page" graphics), simply follow the format below.

<a href="">
<img src="">

Notice, we're simply creating a link then inserting the image before the link tag closes. Rather that linking text, this code is linking an image. Here's the output.

Notice though that, by default, the image has a rather heavy border. It's a strange problem that often needs correcting. The easiest way to fix is this is simply giving the image a border of zero.

<a href="">
<img src="" border="0">

Voila! Problem solved. The order with which you declare properties doesn't matter. Notice how I declared border after the src? I could have, just as easily, declared it before. No difference. time! Have some fun inserting image tags and linking them. You can use our logo for practice (the code is right above). Just remember, on your own website, never link to images on someone else's server. This is a practice called "leaching." It's very easy to detect and can get you in trouble. Plus, it's extremely rude 'net etiquette.

» Next Chapter

You have a pretty good toolbox now for formatting text, adding hyperlinks, and inserting images. In the next chapter you'll learn how to modify your website's canvas (first covered in Chapter 1).

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